Section 1: Topic: Factors Affecting Nursing Care Article 1: Knibbe, N. E., Zwaenepoel, E., Knibbe, H. J., & Beeckman, D. (2018). An automaticrepositioning system to prevent pressure ulcers: a case series. British Journal of Nursing, 27(6),S16-S22. Summary The study looked at the effectiveness of Danish automated Vendlet V5s repositioning system inreducing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in caregivers and […]
Factors to Consider when Filing for Bankruptcy To many people, the decision to declare bankruptcy is a very difficult one. There are theshort term and long term implications of such declaration that one needs to consider. Then thereis also the stigma that surrounds bankruptcy declarations. Even though it has been waning overthe years, it is […]
Fundamental Jazz Dance Goals Beginning as an African American music, Jazz has evolved over the years to become amusic genre popular not just in the USA but also across the world. As jazz music has evolved sohas jazz dance. From initially using only African American dance styles, modern fundamentaljazz now incorporates dance elements drawn from […]
America’s Entry Into World War One In 1916 US presidential election, Democrat Woodrow Wilson won a narrow victoryagainst Charles Evans Hughes, his Republican opponent (Thompson, 2018). In an ironic twist,President Wilson, having been re-elected on the slogan of ‘He kept us out of war’, entered theFirst World War barely five months after re-election. This change […]
PLUS Ethical Decision-making Model Modern business organizations appreciate the value of ethical business practices. Suchpractices are not only good for the organizations image but also helps it avoid costly legal andfinancial disputes. Ethical decision-making involves choosing an option that is consistent withethical principles. Unfortunately, most of the situations that organizations face involve optionsthat may be […]
Pharmacological Effects of Bronchodilators in the Management of COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, better known by its acronym COPD, is anobstructive lung disease. Patients suffering from the disease experience poor airflow and otherlong term breathing problems. These problems exhibit themselves through symptoms such ascoughing and breath shortness. Given the fact that the disease gets worse […]
Use of Antiplatelet Drugs for Treatment of Blood Clotting A blood clot, also called a thrombus, is a semisolid clump of blood that forms throughblood coagulation. Normally, it is the body’s response to injury where it prevents excessivebleeding. However, when it forms in blood vessels, a condition called thrombosis, it can posemortal danger to the […]
Annotated Bibliography Hayward, D., Bungay, V., Wolff, A. C., & MacDonald, V. (2016). A qualitative study ofexperienced nurses’ voluntary turnover: learning from their perspectives. Journal ofclinical nursing, 25(9-10), 1336-1345.Hayward et al.’s article looks at one of the major issues affecting nursing practice-relatively high turnover of experienced nurses which results in a dearth of nursing carequality, fewer nurses […]
Reading Achievement READING ACHIEVEMENT 3It is, however, important to note that reading engagement is a continuum and notdichotomous. A student is not either disengaged or engaged but the engagement varies. The taskof teachers and parents is to make sure that students maintain high levels of reading engagement.There are various ways in which such levels of […]
Patents are a form of intellectual property. When an innovator or inventor obtains apatent they get a legal to prevent other persons or organizations from producing, using orselling the innovation or invention for twenty years without their explicit authorization (Ernstet al., 2016). Therefore, the power of patents is that they make their owners mini‘monopolies’ for […]
Artemisia Gentileschi Feminism is the belief that men and women should be equal politically, economically,and socially. This belief found its earliest and one of its most eloquent expression in the life andworks of Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1652/53). Born to Orazio Gentileschi, a well-knownRoman artist of the late Renaissance, she managed to curve out a very successful […]
Government Intervention in Economy From the time of America’s founding to the period immediately following the Civil War,government involvement in business was always frowned upon. It was almost taken for grantedthat Laissez-faire policies were bound to bring the most economic benefits to the country. Thisview, however, changed during the Progressive and New Deal eras. The […]
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