Community Health Nursing Building strong and healthy communities requires health promotion initiatives thateffectively address the health needs of a given community. Each community has its own uniqueneeds and, therefore, meeting its health needs requires proper assessment of its needs and assetsspearheaded by professional community nurses in conjunction with local stakeholders.Role of community health nurse in […]
Standardized Tests Believe Game Standardized tests are used in many countries to determine a student’s academic ability.In the U.S., many colleges and universities use them as part of their admission process. They aregenerally preferred to other tests because of their perceived objectivity and fairness (Phelps,2017). Despite their widespread use in America’s education system, there remain […]
Electronic Health Records Electronic health records (EHR) are patient centred records that provide instant andsecure information to authorised personnel for purposes of improving quality of care provided topatients. They are considered as digital versions of paper charts of patients. Paper charts aremedical records of a patient that contain important information such as treatment plans,medications, tests […]
12-Hour Shift Pattern 12-hour shift is increasingly becoming common in many healthcare facilities. However,despite growing adoption of this shift pattern, there remain serious concerns about its impact onpatient care and well-being of the nurses. Without respectful consideration and addressing ofthese concerns, the 12-hour shift may end up having negative effects on healthcare.Overview of the problemA […]
National CLAS Standards Case Study Analysis The case study looked at is that of California’s White Memorial Medical Centre FamilyPractice Residency Program. The program, which began in 1988, meets many of the 15 CLASstandards. These standards are intended to eliminate disparities in healthcare, improve quality,and promote health equity (Office of Minority Health (OMH)). Here is […]
Sample Theory and Generalizibility of Results Sampling theory is a study of relationship that exists between a sample and thepopulation from which it is drawn from (Pitard, 2019). The theory is mainly applied inresearches that involve random samples. It was developed to guide researches in choosing theirsamples. The theory requires that researchers choose samples that […]
Experimental and Non-Experimental Research Design Experimental and non-experimental research designs are common design methodsemployed in nursing research. An understanding of their basics is key to determining the types ofresearch topics that the design methods are most suited for.Experimental research involves division of research participants into control andexperimental group. The assignment of the participants into the […]
Ethics Self-Assessment Ethics in healthcare play an important role in promoting integrity, quality care for allpatients, and reducing cases of ethical dilemmas. After conducting the ethics self-assessment Inoticed that I am strong in most of the areas that were assessed. There were, however, a fewareas that I discovered I am weak at with regards to […]
Quantitative Research Studies Comparison The amount of time that nurses work per shift has a major impact on their effectiveness,well-being, and the quality of care that they are able to give patients. The decision on a shiftpattern to adopt in a healthcare facility, therefore, is one that is usually taken with a lot ofseriousness because […]
Analysis of Comparative Advantage Comparative advantage is an economics principle that is associated with the Englishclassical economist, David Ricardo. The concept first appeared in 1817 in Ricardo’s book “OnPrinciples of Political Economy and Taxation” (Ruffin, 2017). The principle argues thatcountries should specialize in producing goods and services that they can produce using fewerresources than those […]
Managing EHR Implementation Challenges Over the past fifteen years many healthcare organizations have been implementingelectronic health records (EHR) in their facilities. Despite requiring substantial organizational,human and financial resources, many organizations consider EHR a worthwhile investmentbecause it leads to increased efficiency, better patient care, less errors, and reduced cost of care.Given these benefits, it may be […]
Experiment Variables When conducting an experiment, a researcher seeks to determine the extent to which onevariable affects another one. The variable that the researcher controls or manipulates in thecourse of the experiment is the independent variable (Ingham-Broomfield, 2015). The variablethat changes when the independent variable is adjusted or manipulated is the dependent variable(Ingham-Broomfield, 2015). It […]
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