A business model canvas is an effective tool for enhancing investment processes (Sort &Nielsen, 2018). The following business canvas is prepared for the purpose of addressinghomelessness with technology. The goal is to spread awareness of mental health issues tovulnerable populations. Homelessness can be traced to mental health disorders. Therefore, thepresent initiative focused on reducing homelessness […]
Patty Plaintiff Tort Law Claims Tort law allows an injured party to sue another party for damages for committing a civilbreach. The law also determines whether the defendant should be legally responsible for injuriessustained by the suing party and the compensation entitled to the injured party (Mulheron, 2016).This paper looks at the application of this […]
Impact of Massachusetts Health Reform Law In 2006 the state of Massachusetts passed the health reform law. The goal of the law wasto reduce the number of uninsured people in the state which at that time stood at 650,000 out ofthe state’s population of 6.4 million (Long et al., 2016). It hoped to achieve near […]
Use of Social Media by Nurses Nurses often go through experiences that are emotionally taxing almost on a daily basis.Previously, they turned to their workplace colleagues, family members, and friends to debriefand reflect on these experiences. However, with the advent of social media platforms such asTwitter and Facebook, many nurses turn to these platforms to […]
Euthanasia and Christian Worldview Despite significant medical advancements in recent times, there are still many medicalconditions that remain incurable and often lead to death within a short time after diagnosis. Anytime a person receives diagnosis of such medical conditions and starts staring at their ownmortality, they are often confused on whether to end their life […]
AstraZaneca Expatriate Management Expatriates are employees of an organization who work and live in a country that is nottheir own. With many businesses expanding operations beyond their borders, expatriates havecome to comprise a significant portion of the workforce of business organizations. Since theseprofessionals work in countries that are not their home countries, they face many […]
Impact of Dred Scott Decision IntroductionThe Dred Scott v. Sandford ruling has gone down in history as one of the worst SupremeCourt decisions in the United States. By ruling that African Americans had no citizenship rightsunder the American Constitution whether they were free or not, the court hoped to put the ragingslavery debate to rest […]
Reflections on Public Sector Research Research has become an important component of decision-making in today’s non-profitand public sectors. Apart from enhancing understanding of a problem and, therefore, helpingmake better decisions, evidence from research is also required in convincing other peopleinvolved in a given decision-making process. Whether it is in the public sector or non-profitorganizations, often […]
Research Question and Ethics Research questionResearch question is one or more questions that specify the focus of research (O’Sullivanet al., 2016). The purpose of research is to address a given issue identified by the researcher. Theresearch may provide an explanation on why the issue is important, the benefits of addressing itto society and researchers, and […]
Independent and Dependent VariablesPavlovian conditioning integrates spontaneous recovery from excitation. The study aimedto explore underlying learning processes. The dependent variables in the experiment includedthe spontaneous recovery of inhibitory conditioning from training. The independent variablesincluded stimuli that were treated as conditioned inhibitors and conditioned excitors. Time-lapsebetween two treatments was also an important independent variable in the […]
Data Measurement Scales My favorite hobby is watching soccer. Even though I watch many soccer games andtournaments, nothing comes close to watching the World Cup, one of the most importantsporting events in the world.In the World Cup nominal scale is the list of all national teams that qualify for thetournament. World Cup tournaments have 32 […]
Healing and Autonomy Patient autonomy is a central principle in clinical medicine. The principle requirespatients to make their own medical decisions (Sullivan, 2016). Physicians are required to notonly respect this principle as part of ethical practice but also as a way of improving the quality ofpatient care. However, in the course of their work, physicians […]
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