Hospital Reimbursement Reimbursement is the main source of revenue for healthcare facilities. This is the moneythat the facilities receive from third parties such as insurance companies for services offered topatients. The speed and level of reimbursement is affected by activities in hospital departments.During check-in, the patient goes through the first procedure which involves recording oftheir […]
The personality and traits of leaders have an impact on the performance of employees andthe organization at large. Leaders play an important role because employees lookup to the leaders for policy and behavioural guidelines. Employee behaviour alludes to the behaviouradopted by employees with a view of achieving certain set goals of an organization. Employeebehavior plays […]
Impact of Affordable Care Act on Type 2 Diabetes The Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed in 2010 was a major milestone in the system as it significantly increased the number of people with insurance coverage.Among the beneficiaries of this policy are persons at risk or living with diabetes, particularlyAfrican Americans. While diabetes is a […]
Research Design Selection The research questions selected are: RESEARCH DESIGN SELECTION 3Like other research designs, experimental research design has its fair share ofweaknesses. One of them is that human error can lead to highly subjective results. Human errorsmay be systematic or random and are often a result of the approach’s high control level(Campbell & Stanley, […]
Social Media Sampling Sampling, or choosing participants of a given research, plays a central role in determiningthe accuracy of the research’s findings. A good sample should reflect the characteristics of thegeneral population as much as possible. When the sample is not representative of the generalpopulation being studied the results are likely to be invalid.For a […]
Reflection on Future Research Aspirations I have always wanted to be a generator of knowledge. In the next two or three years mygoal is to have at least three of my research papers published in major academic journals eitheras an individual author or in collaboration with other researchers. Such publications will raise myprofile and allow […]
Research Misconduct and Its Consequences Research misconduct is a gross violation of ethical standards of the scientific community.It includes fabrication (creating false documentation or data), misrepresentation (suppressingcertain findings), plagiarism (using other people’s ideas without acknowledgment), andfalsification (inappropriately manipulating data). Research misconduct should be avoidedcompletely because its consequences can be severe.A recent case of research misconduct […]
Internal Validity in Research Internal validity ensures that there is very high confidence in the relationship of cause andeffect. When a research has high internal validity there are very few, if any, alternative causesthat explain the results or observations made thus ensuring that the principle of cause and effectis closely adhered to (Patten & Newhart, […]
Journal 3 4 5 References Bulatao, R. & Anderson, N. (2011). Understanding racial and ethnic differences in health in latelife: A research agenda. National Academies Press. Washington Dc. Print.Saladin, K. (2018). Anatomy and physiology: The unity of form and function (8th ed.). McGrawHill. Print.
Person-Centred Care in Nursing In the course of their work nurses have to balance a wide range of interests and needs.They have to consider their own needs, the needs of the healthcare facilities that they work for,and patient needs. A person-centred approach encourages nurses to prioritize the needs ofpatients above any other need (McCormack & […]
There are several advantages associated with nonverbal communication. One of the majoradvantages of nonverbal communication is that it reinforces the message that is being conveyed.The use of nonverbal cues helps complement the message that is being passed out verbally(Burgoon, Guerrero & Floyd, 2016). In some instances, nonverbal communication can be asubstitute for verbal communication. In […]
Gender Stereotyping in Video Games: A Counterargument Video games have come under attack for promoting harmful gender stereotypes,particularly regarding women. It is true that many video games portray women as weak anddependent on women. Some portray them as sexual objects meant to appeal to sexual desires ofmen (Wilhelm, 2018). While these portrayals are common, there […]
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